Since 1987, dedicated to the production and commercialization of seed and ware potatoes
Grupo INTERSUR is a corporate brand that since 2020 integrates the activities of the companies: Intersur 2011, S.A., Agromar France S.A.R.L., Agromar Hispana S.A., INTER PORTUGAL BATATAS, LDA. and Intersur Logística.
INTERSUR’s business is focused on the production of New Crop Potatoes from Spain and Portugal and AGROMAR develops the production of Potatoes from France, with more than 30 years of experience in the sector.
We supply our potato productions from Spain, Portugal and France to packers, distributors and industries throughout Europe and the Middle East. At the same time, we are involved in the development of early potato productions in southern Mediterranean countries for the harvesting and supply in Europe in the winter months.
For the development of our business, since the beginning of our activity we have maintained a close collaboration with different international producers of Seed Potatoes, especially with HZPC HOLLAND B.V., which is currently one of its main seed distributors. In Portugal we have an special agreement with STET HOLLAND B.V. to develop their varieties in the country.

What makes us different?

Multiple locations in the main producing regions of Spain, Portugal and France

A firm commitment to quality and innovation

Wide product portfolio: different potato varieties, seeds and onions

A human team of commercial experts who speak different languages

We advise both our farmers and our customers to obtain the highest quality product

Unique proposal based on the scheduling and continuity in the potato supply during the 12 months of the year
Grupo Intersur
Quality and Innovation
We have a large team of professionals and farmers cultivating under our commercial criteria and technical supervision to achieve the highest quality in our productions and facilitate the best supply to our customers throughout the year.
Grupo Intersur
In Figures
Tons marketed / year
Integrated producers
Producing regions in Spain, Portugal and France
Countries where we are present
Human team
AGROMAR FRANCE-GRUPO INTERSUR held the IV FRANCE POTATO MARKET at its headquarters in Mesgrigny last Thursday, November 4, a day in which we brought together the entire commercial team of GRUPO INTERSUR together with many of our clients and farmers, who came to see a...
INTERSUR acquires a new headquarters in Castilla y León
INTERSUR has acquired for its new headquarters in Castilla y León, the facilities in Tordesillas (Valladolid) of the defunct Agroinnova S.L. – Grandpa's Potatoes. The facilities have 3,500 m2 of warehouses and offices with cold rooms, a laboratory, docks... for...
GRUPO INTERSUR announces the creation of INTERSUR PORTUGAL
Following our policy of multiple locations to provide our customers with global supply solutions twelve months a year, we created INTERSUR PORTUGAL. Mr. Sergio Margaço, a technical professional of recognized prestige in the Portuguese potato sector, is already in...